


On December 8, the media firm technical.ly announced , in the categories Invention of the Year, Tech Community Leader of the Year, CTO of the Year, Tech Company of the Year, and Culture Builder of the Year. 91福利导航鈥檚 AT&T 5G-connected football helmet won Invention of the Year. 


The technical.ly awards program began in October, when the company solicited nominations. They narrowed down the field to five nominees for each category, then asked readers to vote in late November. Over 8,000 votes were cast, about one-quarter of which were from the Washington area.  

Winners in the other categories were Kiante Bush, Tech Community Leader of the Year; Viveca Pavon-Harr, CTO of the Year; Adlumin, Tech Company of the Year; and Tremain Davis, Culture Builder of the Year. 

Black background with white letters spelling out "technically" and yellow letters spelling out "2023 Awards DC Winner"

Former technical.ly writer Michaela Althouse wrote an about the helmet in late October. Althouse also wrote about the that debuted at the Visual-Centric Teaching and Learning Symposium in April.聽

technical.ly 鈥渋s a news organization that connects and challenges a community of technologists and entrepreneurs who are invested in where they live.鈥 It has outposts in Washington, D.C.; Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Baltimore, and Delaware. Founded in Philadelphia in 2009 by Christopher Wink, Brian James Kirk, and Sean Blanda, its parent company Technically Media 鈥渉as always prioritized serving communities by informing and connecting people, with special preference toward advancing their careers.鈥澛犅

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